Etnocook. Traditional Ukrainian Recipes

Ukrainian cuisine masterclass

What is the Ukrainian cuisine cooking masterclass?

Cooking masterclasses are provided by the Ukrainian Ethnic Cuisine Etnocook chef Lilia Tiazhka with the professional experience over 10 years. Etnocook provides different types of Ukrainian traditional gastronomy courses, including cooking classes, cookery workshops, nutrition and cooking techniques training, lectures about Ukrainian cuisine, history, art and traditions.

Who can take part in the Ukrainian meals cooking trainings?

The Ukrainian food events are provided with the educational and entertainment purposes, as cooking classes, Ukrainian cuisine chef training courses, food preparing masterclasses, corporation staff team-building events in Japan, and all over the world. The amount of the participants can vary, from the individual lectures to a big group of  40 people at one time.

The Ukrainian culture and cuisine masterclasses by the Ukrainian traditional ethnic cuisine Etnocook can be provided in Japan or online.

What do the Ukrainian food event include?

The Ukrainian dishes cooking masterclass provided by Etnocook, includes, in addition to preparing Ukrainian meals with clear step-by-step instructions, also the decoration of the facility in the symbolic Ukrainian ethnic design, the historical and nutritional information about the dish, Ukrainian cuisine studying materials, fun games for the masterclass participants about the cooking theme.

What language is the Ukrainian cooking masterclass?

The masterclasses about how to cook the Ukrainian dishes are provided by chef Lilia Tiazhka in English.

There is also the possibility to make them in simple Japanese by using the recipes by Etnocook in the Japanese language (for example, ウクライナ料理のボルシチのレシピ)

How to know more about the Ukrainian cooking masterclasses:

Please contact for more information about organising the Ukrainian cuisine cooking masterclasses:


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